Monday, March 22, 2010

Renewed Songwriting

Lately, the Lord has revived a desire in me to write music.  I must admit that I have written songs since I was in high school, but not too many worship songs.  Over the past several months, I have enjoyed learning from other worship arts folks at The Worship Community.  These people have insight beyond insight, and I have much to learn from them.  Beginning in February 2010, a challenge was offered to songwriters to write a song once a month based on scripture provided.  Although I do not consider myself a "songwriter," I thought I might use it as an opportunity to sharpen my songwriting skills especially in praise and worship.  I'm finding my biggest challenge in songwriting (aside from coming up with a "hook" melody) is finding the words that present the scriptures in a fresh perspective.  It has challenged me to read supporting scriptures, review commentaries, and seek God more on fresh insights into his Word.  Songwriting is not easy by any stretch.  My prayer is that whatever music the Lord puts on my heart may be used for his glory and encourage others to develop a deeper relationship with Him.

To catch you up to speed, here are the links to the collaborative efforts on the songs.  If you are a member of The Worship Community, I encourage you to feel free to post your comments in the thread.  If not, please become part of the community so we can all grow and learn together.

Songwriting Rules

March - "Riches of Grace"
February - "Into Your Hands"

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